Colour and make a keepsake Christmas Stocking decoration to use year after year - it can be empty or contain a small chocolate snack bar, store gift card, money note or greeting card, as well as a flat item like a movie ticket or voucher. Make sure the stocking seam is glued well.
Your download includes
- Christmas tree with deer colouring page
- Christmas stocking to colour and make
Please note:
These printables are taken from the hardcopy book Seasons & Reasons Adult Colouring Book, available on Amazon (but remember instant downloads = print and make as many treat bags as you like, not just limited to what's in the book!)
Pages are in Letter size because of the original book format.
Unlike the rest of our printables...While the majority of our downloads allow handmade, finished items to be sold these Anni Arts products are for private use and personal gift-giving only. No print-on-demand manufactured products - even personal ones. No commercial rights for any Anni Arts colouring products.