Printable Christmas Cards and Craft Supplies for Group Activities, Families and Sellers
One big benefit to using printables for your craft supplies is the convenience and re-printability depending on how many you want to make! With our bundles, you usually get 10 or more different designs to choose from, so not everyone has to make the same card.
With printable bundles, you are not tied to just one or two cards or craft projects from the one kit:
- Large family or kids group: need to make 10 cards for the grandkids or your students? Go ahead and print out 10 cards kits
- Group activities? Everyone gets to choose what they want to make
- Sell What You Make? Bundles are great choices for sellable crafts; lots of choice to stock your stall or please your customers!
Christmas Countdown from Bundle of 10 Printable Cards
Printable Christmas Cards & Paper Craft Kits
If you need bulk supplies, you might be interested in the following multi-design Bundles and 'Practical' papercraft downloads, especially if you've got group activities to cater for, or lots of children to make for (or with), sell for charity at craft fairs etc:
- Christmas Card Bundles
- Countdown to Christmas Calendar Bundle
- Keepsake / Secret Treasure Boxes for Christmas
Christmas Planners
- Family Organiser Calendars
- Life Planners & 2018/19 Calendar Add-Ons (good for New Year Resolutions!)
Christmas Pop Up Box Card from a Card Making Bundle
Christmas Planners
Printable Planners & Organisers
Family Organiser & Printable Calendars
(inc. 'Me, You & Them' hanging organiser for Families)
Is the idea of printable cards new to you? Check out the different types of greeting cards you can make with the help of your printer.
The Christmas Card Production Line
When you need to make a lot of handmade cards, or want to make some homemade gifts, buy your supplies in bulk as instant downloads - get the choice of lots of designs and print as many as needed - fire up the printer and get the Christmas production line going!