Creativity & Wellbeing with Handmade Cards
Who would have thought that a group of guys in a homeless hostel would be chilling out of an evening making handmade cards?!
We had another 'freestyle' evening while our growing supplies were sorted out and organised. The guys were left to their own devices and came up with some fantastic handmade cards. We even had some new people come and, although it's awful to hear the stories surrounding homelessness and experience of living on the streets or in dysfunctional families, it's nice to share those stories during some relaxing, creative time.
It's also not all bad, in fact it's mostly very pleasant, as you see how people are changing over time while they work towards getting new accommodation, how they talk themselves out of potentially harmful behaviour (knowing there are consequences), how their experiences have shaped them and apologising when things get heated. Very mature and impressive.
Pyramage & Decoupage is Proper Sick Man!
Translation: "wow this new pyramage and decoupage thing is really, really good!"
The most popular sheets in our donated supplies were pyramage printables - the guys love these! Simple cutouts that just stack on the picture in smaller and smaller images creating a 3D pyramid type effect. One chap even had a go at making his own - ruler out, measuring all around to get the pieces right and then exclaiming "Yesssss! It worked!" How awesome is that?!
Personally, I've never been a fan but now, I'm so grateful we had those sheets as they've had so much enjoyment from them - and the cards they make look amazing.
Decoupage has been a favourite of one guy who really focuses on his work - it takes him the whole session because he carefully cuts out the fussiest decoupage pieces you can imagine. He is not put off by the challenge and seems to relish it. He's a young man in a temporary hostel for homeless people...decoupaging bunnies and ducks for an Easter card. I would never have expected such enthusiasm!
🤣 By the way, excuse the language, but this blog post should be called "F****** Ducks!" because after all that effort, that's what he exclaimed loudly when he realised the birds he'd spent all that time cutting out and layering up were in fact "ducks, not chickens!". I love their sweary moments because it's not what you expect to hear in a craft class and it makes me chuckle!
Ouch, "Ducks not Chickens!"

One of our newcomers to the class was a bit hesitant at first but made a cracking Mother's Day card by the end of it - another example of a young lad really taking care with his work and wanting it to be spot on. Did we have matching heart stickers please, any more paper that colour, will that image fit inside this die-cut frame. Again, this was all his design with no input from me. I was busy sorting, and passing on glittery heart stickers when I found them, receiving more "Yessssss!" in return.
It's More Than Just Crafting
We had 2 new people join us who had been rough sleeping; hearing their stories, them being able to tell their stories to people who are interested, is important. They'd both had jobs for years, but normal life events and government policy had changed that and they found themselves homeless and on the streets. There is a very good, very well established night shelter locally but they explained how they have to leave the men's shelter in the early morning, even if the Police had only dropped them off there a few hours previously, and then wander around all day trying to keep occupied and/or warm was an eye-opener. Sometimes they use the library, sometimes go and sit in hospitals (but get thrown out). No wonder then, they seem to be just loitering about doing nothing...because from what I've been hearing, a lot of the time, there IS nothing to 'do'.
Likewise, those who make it to the temporary hostel accommodation also face times when there's just nothing to do which is why providing these little craft sessions is at least "better than listening to doors slamming all night".
We've had some lovely feedback from our sessions, and the guys certainly seem to get satisfaction from what they make.
There are lots of fabulous organisations out there doing what they can to help those on the streets and who try to prevent homelessness in the first place, tackling social issues and mental health stigma etc. I believe social media helps to raise awareness and break stereotypes, as well as making stories of positive outcomes more widely known. Even among our own readers, I've had people come forward to tell me they were once homeless, being among the first to send us their unwanted craft supplies to help our guys "have a bit of normal".
Wellbeing: Connect, Learn & Give
Making handmade cards is probably the last thing these men imagined themselves doing, but it has given them a few hours of creative time-out, connecting with others in a social situation and learning new skills, which has hopefully been good for their wellbeing - not just in the experience of 'making' but also the feelings associated with being able to give a card to someone, even just to say Thank You for their help, or a card for someone you can't normally say mushy things out loud to, but a simple sticker or topper can do it for you.
All these little things add up and have an impact in some way - all made possible because of re-usable printables and the generosity of fellow crafters who send us their unwanted supplies because they want to help and it makes them feel good their wellbeing a little boost into the bargain!
"Wellbeing for Everyone!"